ITHS allows limited access to REDCap to third party research collaborators related to joint research in which the collaborator is actively and materially involved with one of our partnering institutions. Collaborators shall not be permitted any other access to or use of the ITHS REDCap instance. Collaborators will not be permitted to create their own projects on the ITHS REDCap servers.

Most users accessing our REDCap installation will either use their UW NetID or their own institutional ID (when supported). However, if you have neither then we will serve as the sponsor for REDCap users who would not otherwise be eligible for a UW NetID to obtain one.

We reserve the right to refuse the sponsorship of a UW NetID, if the requester does not have a clear link to either the ITHS or one of our partner institutions.

Please read the ITHS REDCap Support Policy.

Please send any questions or concerns about this issue to

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