The code block below illustrates how one might use # and // as comments in your logic and calculations.
# Text can be put here to explain what the logic/calculation does and why.
if ([field1] = '1' and [field2] > 7,
// This comment can explain what the next line does.
[score] * [factor],
// Return '0' if the condition is False.
Working …
0% means
50% means
100% means
This value you provided is not a number. Please try again.
This value you provided is not an integer. Please try again.
The value entered is not a valid Vanderbilt Medical Record Number (i.e. 4- to 9-digit number, excluding leading zeros). Please try again.
The value you provided must be within the suggested range
The value you provided is outside the suggested range
This value is admissible, but you may wish to double check it.
The value entered must be a time value in the following format HH:MM within the range 00:00-23:59 (e.g., 04:32 or 23:19).
This field must be a 5 or 9 digit U.S. ZIP Code (like 94043). Please re-enter it now.
This field must be a 10 digit U.S. phone number (like 415 555 1212). Please re-enter it now.
This field must be a valid email address (like Please re-enter it now.
The value you provided could not be validated because it does not follow the expected format. Please try again.
UW Medicine Employee Mental Health Support Program Intake
The UW Medicine Employee Mental Health Support (EMHS) program is available to help connect UW Medicine employees and their household members to mental health services during this most stressful time. We know that many of the UW Medicine family are needing extra support right now.
By completing the survey below, we can get some basic information about you before you connect with a Mental Health Navigator for a brief intake. We respond to completed surveys Monday through Friday, excluding UW holidays, and will respond within 3 business days after receiving the survey.
If you are a PEBB-eligible employee and need help sooner than what this program offers, the employee assistance program, Employee Assistance Program, can be reached online or by phone, 24 hours a day at 877-313-4455.
This service is not a crisis or suicide hotline. If you need immediate and emergent mental health assistance or are considering suicide or harming another person, CALL 988, 911 or go to the nearest emergency room.
We can all help prevent suicide. The National Suicide Prevention Lifeline provides 24/7, free and confidential support for people in distress, prevention and crisis resources for you or your loved ones, and best practices for professionals.
You have selected an option that triggers this survey to end right now.
To save your responses and end the survey, click the 'End Survey' button below. If you have selected the wrong option by accident and/or wish to return to the survey, click the 'Return and Edit Response' button.